The Weblog

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The Market is Open - April 2

It’s the nature of gardening in early spring – you get an early crop of something and then have to wait while the plants produce a second set to harvest. That’s happened to us on Foothills Market – after a couple of weeks with a variety of fresh greens and carrots, our available offerings of vegetables are reduced to mainly collard greens.

However, we still have a great variety of locally-grown and produced meats, ranging from standards like ground beef to fresh cuts of pork chops and steaks. We also have local lamb; if you’ve never tried lamb meatballs, this would be a good chance!

Shop the market, fill your cart, then click the “Place your order” button. We’ll have your order ready for pickup from 4-6 Friday afternoon at the Food for Thought garden.

Eat something fresh this week!