The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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The Market Is Open!

Winter is a challenging time for farmers on Foothills Market. The cold and the wet are not ideal growing conditions, even for winter-hardy plants. Sometimes, a sudden dip below freezing can decimate a crop you thought was safe inside a tunnel house, as with the cauliflower at the Food for Thought Garden.

That’s all to say our vegetable offerings are slim this week – but we still have plenty of beef and pork that you can trust to have been ethically and sustainably grown and harvested. We also have a selection of baked goods that feature crops like pumpkin and zucchini that grew and were frozen last summer when the weather was sunny and hot!

Keep an eye on the market this week, since our growers will probably update their listings as they see how plants are reacting to the weather. Choose the items you want between now and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m., and click the button to place your order. We’ll have the items ready for pickup on Thursday afternoon between 4:30-5:30.

Eat something fresh this week!