The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
The Market is Open!
Foothills Market is open for another week of providing you with fresh, local produce and meats!
We’re edging closer to the time when our growers will have a variety of spring vegetables, although this past week’s frost may have slowed things a bit.
Browse our offerings of beef, lamb, and pork (if you are a meat-eater) to find the foundation for a meal, then add some salad or greens to round out your plate (or be the star, if you don’t eat meat). Be sure to click the “Place your order” button so you order is recorded in the system. You can place more than one order in a week, so if you want to check back on Tuesday or Wednesday after ordering on Sunday, you may find some new items growers have added since the market opened today. Your final order needs to be placed before Wednesday at 5 p.m., when the market closes.
We’ll have your order ready for pickup on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at the west side of the county courthouse in downtown Clarksville.