The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Change of Plans - Unexpectedly

We found out over the weekend that one of our workers from the market tested positive for Covid last week, so to be extra cautious we’ve decided to suspend the market for this coming week.

However, we know some of you may have been counting on something from the market for your Thanksgiving plans. What we’re going to do is have each grower have an updated listing on the market, and you can contact the individual grower if you want to place an order. Here is contact information for our active growers:

Happy Horseshoe Farm –
Rural Route Farm –
Sheepy Hollow Farm –
Spicer Farms & Kimberly’s Pantry –
Sycamore Grove Farm –

You will need to contact the grower by Wednesday morning at the latest to make arrangements for pickup or delivery. We will NOT have market pickup at the Chamber of Commerce building this week.

We hope to be back to our regular schedule the next week, since that will have been 14 days since the original contact, the required time for quarantine. Our biggest concern is everyone’s health, so we appreciate your patience in this situation.

Happy Thanksgiving, and we will see you soon!