The Weblog

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The Market is Open!

Tried of the same old thing? Foothills Market has some new offerings that may be new to you.

The market now has sunchokes and Daikon radishes, two vegetables you’re probably not going to find on the shelves at Walmart. Sunchokes, which are sometimes called Jerusalem artichokes, are starchy tubers that have a nutty, sweet, earthy taste when roasted. They couldn’t be easier to cook – you don’t even have to peel them! Daikon radishes can be roasted, as well, but this versatile Asian vegetable can also be stir-fried, pickled, or eaten raw. If you want a project for Christmas break, get a Chinese/Napa cabbage to go with your Daikon radish and make Kimchi!

Find these vegetables, as well as others, with our listings of meat and baked goods on the market. Browse, fill your cart, and click the button to place your order. We’ll have your items ready for pickup from 4:30-5:30 on Thursday.

Just a note: We’ll have the market this week and next before taking a two-week break for the holidays.

Eat something fresh this week!