The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Market Closes TODAY!!!!
Don’t forget – Foothills Market closes TODAY at 5:00 p.m. because of the July 4th holiday. We will have pickup TOMORROW (Wednesday, July 3) from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at the Prestonrose Mercantile.
Get your order in quickly, before the market closes at 5:00 p.m. TODAY.
Since our regular pickup day falls on the Fourth of July holiday this week, Foothills Market will have an adjusted schedule for this week only.
The market is opening this morning for ordering, and you can place orders between now and Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. We will have pickup at the Mercantile from 4:30-5:30 on Wednesday afternoon.
We hope this adjustment will help you get the fresh, local foods you want for your holiday celebration. Whether it’s ground beef and homemade buns for those burgers, or sweet corn, tomatoes, or summer squash for delicious side dishes, Foothills Market has something you’ll like!
Market Reminder
Foothills Market is open until 5:00 p.m. today for you to get your fresh, locally-grown foods!
The Market is Open!
There’s a lot going on with Foothills Market these days! Last week we moved to a new location in the lobby of the Prestonrose Mercantile on Main Street. We also have four new growers who have joined the market – Cattle and Chaos Family Farm and Little Piney Farm and Apiary, both of which have naturally-grown meats, including chicken – a first for our market! Also joining us on the market are Germans Pantry-Farm, with fresh produce and home-baked bread, and Prestonrose, with a selection of bagels and cream cheeses.
Browse the market between now and Wednesday at 5 p.m. We’ll be set up in the lobby of the Mercantile with your orders for pickup between 4:30-5:30 Thursday afternoon.
Also, here’s a heads-up for next week – since pickup day falls on the July 4th holiday, we’ll have a shorter ordering window next week and pickup a day earlier than usual.
Eat something fresh – and check out our new growers – this week!
Market Reminder
There’s still about an hour and a half to place your order for fresh local foods on Foothills Market.
Remember that we are moving the pickup spot to the lobby of the Prestonrose Mercantile on Main Street. With the forecast temperatures, I think we will all be happy with the move!
The Market is Open in a NEW LOCATION! (and it's cool!)
Foothills Market is happy to announce we are moving to a new pickup spot – the Mercantile at Prestonrose on Main Street. The location is just around the corner from our current pickup location, but it has one major advantage – air conditioning! No more wilted greens (or farmers). We’ll also have access to coolers and freezers for the eggs and meat.
We’ll be set up in the lobby area just inside the front door. You can park in the small lot off Main Street in front of the Mercantile and enter through the black door on the left. Pickup time will be the same (Thursday, 4:30-5:30).
Browse the market between now and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Click the button to place your order and we’ll have your items for pickup – in the mercantile lobby – on Thursday.
Eat something fresh this week – and stop in to let Prestonrose know we appreciate them allowing us to use this (very nice) location for the market!
Market Reminder
Don’t forget – it’s Arkansas Farmers’ Market week, and we want you to know how much we appreciate YOU as a customer for our market. Everyone who places an order on Foothills Market this week will be eligible to win a gift basket put together by our growers. The drawing will be tomorrow before the market, and the winner will walk away tomorrow with a basket of goodies that will include a variety of products. See you at the market!
The Market is Open! With a Customer Appreciation Raffle!
Foothills Market is proud to be part of the network of farmers who provide fresh, local food to people in our communities. As part of the celebration of Arkansas Farmers Market Week June 9-15, we are offering a “thank-you” gift for one of our customers. Place an order on the market this week, and we’ll enter your name in a raffle to win a gift basket put together by our growers.
Shop the market between now and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Click the button to place your order, and we’ll have your items ready for pickup on Thursday afternoon. We’ll draw the winner of the raffle Thursday before the pickup time and will announce the winner in the email reminder.
Eat something fresh this week, and good luck in the raffle!
Market Reminder
Don’t forget to check Foothills Market before closing time at 5:00 p.m. today. Sheepy Hollow has added new cuts of meat and peppers since the market opened on Sunday. We also still have chicken on the market for the first time ever.
Place your order before 5:00 today, and we’ll have it ready for pickup tomorrow.
The Market is Open!
Foothills Market is going to shamelessly steal a fast-food slogan this week – We’ve got the meats! After a hiatus, pork and lamb are back on the market, along with additional cuts of beef. We’re also excited to announce we now have chicken! A new grower, Cattle and Chaos Family Farm from Paris, has joined the market and has USDA-certified chicken.
Besides meat, we also have the first summer tomatoes, both slicers and cherry, available! That’s in addition to our regular selection of spring vegetables, baked goods, eggs and jams.
Browse the market between now and 5:00 p.m. Wednesday. Click the button to place your order, and we’ll have it all ready for pickup on Thursday afternoon.
Eat something fresh and local this week!